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Main Screen Layout

The main screen of Asprey Mobile uses groups of tiles to manage the functionality available. The three groups available are Jobs, Modules and Application.



The Jobs show the activities the surveyor will perform when preparing to survey, surveying, and uploading the results to the server.

My Jobs: View the survey jobs and start surveying.

Get My Jobs: Download batches of survey jobs ready for surveying.

Upload: Upload any survey jobs that are ready to upload to the server.

Common Functions: Describes the functions common to all survey My Jobs screens.

Survey List: Describes the functionality available for a survey list.

Stock Condition: Describes the functionality available for a stock condition survey.

Asbestos: Describes the functionality available for an asbestos survey.

Asset Safety: Describes the functionality available for an asset safety survey.

Fire Risk: Describes the functionality available for an fire risk survey.

HHSRS: Describes the functionality available for a HHSRS survey.

Legionella: Describes the functionality available for a legionella survey.


The Modules tiles allow quick access to all the surveyor’s jobs for the selected module type. The available modules shown will vary depending on access permissions for them.

Planned Works: Describes the functionality available for the Planned Works survey.

Servicing: Describes the functionality available for the Servicing survey.

Incidents: Describes the functionality available for a incidents survey.


The Application show the application level functions.

Settings: Show the settings screen and version number.

Error Log: View any errors.

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