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Fire Risk Survey

The fire risk survey allows survey information to be collected regarding the risk of fire to an asset. The survey information is collected in one or more assessments. These include assessment level photos and files, the overall level of fire risk, asset information survey, main fire risk survey and assessment review information.

The main fire risk survey also allows supporting photos and action plans with associated files to be included.

Surveying the Fire Risk Survey:

When a fire risk survey is started the Assessments screen is shown.


The Assessments screen shows all the available assessments for the selected asset. New assessments can be added as required and any existing assessments edited.


Shows the Survey Summary screen.


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


Allows a new assessment to be added and shows the Assessment Details screen.


Shows the Assessment Details screen to edit the selected assessment.

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