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HHSRS Survey

The HHSRS survey conforms to operating guidance of February 2006. This describes the 29 hazards of which hazard 6 (Carbon Monoxide and Fuel Combustion Products) is split into 3 sections and hazard 26 (Collision and Entrapment) is split into 2 sections. In addition to this we have added a second section to hazard 24 (Fire) specifically for surveying external cladding.

The help shown for any selected hazard is from the operating guidance and is reproduced under the terms of the Click-Use Licence. Licence number: C2009002424.

Surveying the HHSRS Survey:

When a HHSRS survey is started the Asset Info screen is shown.


The Asset Info screen shows the information required for the HHSRS survey to allow the correct average values for each hazard to be displayed. These values should be correct when the jobs are downloaded but can be adjusted if required.


Shows the Survey Summary screen


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


Shows the Hazards screen to allow the hazard surveys to be undertaken.

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