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HHSRS Survey - Hazards

The Hazards screen shows all the 29 HHSRS hazards. Hazard 6 is split into 3 parts. Hazard 24 has a second part for cladding. Hazard 26 is split into 2 parts.


Status: shows the status of the survey for each hazard


The hazard has not been surveyed.


The hazard has not been surveyed but has existing data downloaded.


The hazard has been surveyed. This occurs once any of the Likelihood, Outcomes or Improvement screens are visited for the hazard.


The action plan icon shows if any action plans exist for the hazard.


The photos icon shows if any photos exist for each hazard.


Returns to the previous screen.


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


Shows the general HHSRS help screen describing the basics of the HHSRS survey.


Shows the Hazard Action Plans screen for the selected hazard. This allows action plans to be managed for the selected hazard.


Shows the Hazard Photos screen for the selected hazard. This allows photos to be managed for the selected hazard.


Shows the Risks screen for the selected hazard. This allows any risks for the hazard to be rated.


Will show all un-surveyed hazards as surveyed. This option is only available when configured from the settings table

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