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Stock Condition Survey

Stock Condition Survey – Asset Info Screen:

When a stock condition survey is started the Asset Info screen is shown.


The Asset Info screen shows the asset type, year of construction and any manager or surveyor comments.

Asset Type:

Shows the asset type for the address. This should be correct from the main asset register data. However, it is possible to change the asset type if needed.

Note: Changing the asset type will show the default survey design structure for the newly selected asset type.

Construction Year:

Shows the construction year for the address. This should be correct from the main asset register data. However, it is possible to change construction year if needed.

Note: Changing the construction year may cause any surveyed components to have an age that is older than the asset itself, which is not possible. A message will be displayed warning of this with the option to update these components to the newly selected construction year as their age.

Manager Notes:

When the survey batch is created it is possible for the manager to assign notes to each stock condition survey job.

Surveyor Comments:

The surveyor can enter any general comments about the asset survey. These will be uploaded with the survey data for review.


Shows the Survey Summary screen.


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


Shows the Sections screen to allow the stock condition survey to be undertaken

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