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Asbestos Survey - Asbestos Samples

The Samples screen shows all the samples for the selected assessment.


Typing search criteria will look for all samples that match on the floor, room, location or product.


Click the Filter button will show the Filter Samples screen.

The screen shows each sample for the selected assessment as a card. The card includes:

Indicator: this will show the status of the sample:


Ref: the sample reference number.

Status: the status of the sample (i.e. Active).

Assessment: how the sample was assessed (i.e. Sample Survey).

Score: the sample score


Returns to the previous screen


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


Shows the Add Sample screen to allow a new sample to be started.


Shows the Edit Sample screen, in edit mode, to allow the selected sample to be edited.


You can also press the arrow to edit the sample.


Shows a warning message about deleting this samples data. If this is accepted, then the data for this sample and any actions are deleted.


Shows the Filter Samples screen to allow the list of samples to be filtered.

When the samples are filtered the title is changed to Samples – Filtered.


Allows the selected sample to be cloned.

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