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Asbestos Survey - Edit Sample

The Add / Edit Sample screen allows a sample to be added or edited for the assessment


Auto: The Auto button allows a sample reference to be automatically generated when pressed. This button is hidden if the sample is a reinspection or it is hidden in the settings.

Score: Shows the Sample Score screen and allows any third party score to be edited.

Comment: Shows the Sample Comment screen.

Survey: Shows the Sample Survey screen to edit the sample score.

Action Plans: Shows the Sample Action Plans screen to manage actions for the sample.

Photos: Shows the Sample Photos screen.

Files: Shows the Sample Files screen.

Note: If the Floor, Room, Location and Product combo boxes are not set to ReadOnly in the settings then free text can be entered for them. Pressing enter on the keyboard will enable the free text to be saved. As a visual aid the background colour is changed so you know you can also type new values.


Note: When any of the Floor, Room, Location and Product combo boxes are changed or the sample survey is saved the next inspection date will be updated automatically if the surveyed data matches an entry in the next inspection data cycle matrix.


Returns to the previous screen.


Shows the details of the asset being surveyed. This is available any time and is useful if you need to check any details of the asset being surveyed.


This is available when any of the sample data has been edited. Saves any changes and stays on the screen showing the available previous / next options.


This is available when any of the sample data has been edited. Cancels the changes and stays on the screen showing the available previous / next options.


This is available when any of the sample data has not been edited. Shows the previous sample data. If there is no previous sample this will not be shown.


This is available when any of the sample data has not been edited. Shows the next sample data. If there is no next sample this will not be shown.

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