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Manage Survey Batches Screen

The Manage Survey Batches screen allows the survey batches to be managed including assigning to surveyors, cloning, and viewing the progress. Once a survey batch is created the survey jobs for the batch can also be managed.


Note: When the Start date is prior to the current date it is shown in red to indicate the survey should have started.


Adds a new survey batch


Edits the selected survey batch. Only survey batches that have a status of Draft can be edited.


Deletes the selected survey batch. Any survey jobs for the batch are also deleted. Only survey batches that have a status of Draft or Cancelled can be deleted.


Assigns the selected survey batch to a surveyor. Only survey batches that have a status of Draft can have a surveyor assigned. Also only active surveyors can be assigned.


Clones the selected survey batch. All of the survey jobs in the batch are also cloned. The survey batch with a status of Surveyor New Jobs cannot be cloned, all other survey batches can be.


Shows the Progress Survey Jobs screen showing the uploaded survey jobs from Asprey Mobile for the selected survey batch.


Starts the Manage Survey Jobs screen for the selected survey batch. The survey batch with a status of Surveyor New Jobs cannot have the survey jobs managed as these are new jobs added by the surveyor in Asprey Mobile.


The survey batches shown in the grid are filtered from the Show / Hide drop down. Toggling a batch status will refresh the grid to show or hide any survey batches with this status.


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