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Forecast Jobs

You will require the following permissions to complete all the actions on this page of the manual:

  • AA_Forecast_Job_Cancel_Job

  • AA_Forecast_Job_Create

  • AA_Forecast_Job_Delete

  • AA_Forecast_Job_Drilldown_Delete_Layout

  • AA_Forecast_Job_Drilldown_View

  • AA_Forecast_Job_View

Please speak to your internal administrator to grant the relevant permissions.

The forecast jobs section allows users to create and view financial forecasts from the Asprey Assets data.

Viewing an existing forecast job

To view an existing forecast job, select the required job by clicking the selector icon in the leftmost column. Once selected, the job will be highlighted. Then click the “Drilldown” button to view the forecast.

When the “Drilldown” button has been clicked, the screen will load the Forecast data for the selected Job. There are two tabs within the forecast job “Drilldown” and “Scenario”.

The lower grid shows the full breakdown of the forecast job, grouped by the Repairs within Asprey Assets.

The forecast can be exported to excel by using the export button at the top left-hand corner of the grid.

To adjust the layout of the drill down, select the “Drilldown Layout” bar at the top of the page. Once expanded, the grid can be adjusted to meet your requirements by changing the layout. As you make changes to the “Drilldown Layout”, the grid below will update to reflect these changes.

To access saved search layouts, click the dropdown marked “Layout” to load custom saved layouts.

To save the current layout to be accessed later, click the “Save layout” button in the bottom left.

The dialogue box will appear. Custom layouts can be saved to your personal space (only accessed by you) or to a shared space (accessed by all with permissions to this area). Provide a name for the layout and click “Save”. This layout will be available from the dropdown as shown above.

To view the details of the job, click the job details icon next to the job title. A pop-up will appear that shows the underlying assumptions of the forecast.


Within the scenarios tab, changes can be made to the forecast from the baseline values. To do this, custom rules must be created. scenarios can be pre-configured in the scenarios section and selected here, or they can be custom added to the specific scenario.

Using pre-configured Scenarios

To apply a pre-configured scenario, click the “Select Scenario” button.

From there, a dialogue box will appear with a drop-down list of scenarios available to select. Select the desired scenario and click “Select”.

The selected scenario will then apply and the scenario being applied to the forecast will show in the header.

Creating a custom Scenario Rule

To add a custom rule, click the “pencil” icon which will open the Scenario Rules Viewer.

When the dialogue for Scenario Rules Viewer is open, users can see any current rules being applied to the scenario. To add a new rule, click the “New Rule” button.

For more information on the types of rules that can be created, please refer to the Scenarios Section.

Once the adjustments are complete, hover over any value in the adjustments gid and click “Show Costs” to see the full details of the adjustment.

This will then open a new window with the full details of the cost adjustments.

If any changes are made and they do not appear, simply click the “recalculate” button.

Creating a Forecast Job

To create a new Forecast Job, click the “Create” button.

The Forecast Job creation form will appear. allowing you to name the new Forecast Job and fill out the other details as shown below:



Name of Report

This is where the name of your report is entered

Show advanced options?

This shows the additional options available. The default is whole stock, however representation levels can be used here.

Report Type

This allows you to define which Assets the report will be generated for:

  • Whole stock

  • A particular Analysis Classification (such as Energy band, asset type, year band etc.)

  • Individual Assets (using the Asset Explorer)

Selection Criteria

This is driven by the report type. If whole stock is selected this element is removed. If Analysis Classification is selected this is where you define the classifications you want to use. If Selected assets is used, this is where you select the assets you wish to run the forecast for.


These can either be banded or individual. banded means the default banding, Individual allows the end user to use custom groups.


There are five options for adjustments:

  • Overlay planned years ( this allows the forecast to only show years with planned works present)

  • Include Inflation (this allows for custom inflation rates to be applied in different years of the forecast)

  • Include Budget (this allows for custom budgets to be applied in each year of the forecast)

  • Spread Banded Costs (this will equally spread costs within the band)

  • Assign block costs to Assets (this will equally apportion any costs for the block to the assets within the block)

Filter Repairs

There are two options for filtering Repairs:

  • Including the Repair Type in the Forecast.

  • include Repairs in the Forecast.

Once the Forecast has been configured, click the “Generate Forecast Report” button. If your configuration requires notes to be added, please add the required notes and click the “Add” button in the dialogue box.

The Forecasted Job will then appear in the Forecast Jobs list ready to be viewed.

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