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Manage Repairs

The Repairs screen allows repairs to be managed for the selected component.


Returns to the previous screen.


Shows the details of the asset or assets being surveyed.


When pressed will show the Add SOR Repair screen to allow a new SOR repair to be added to the scheme asset component.


When pressed will show the Bespoke Repair screen to allow a new bespoke repair to be added to the scheme asset component.


When pressed will show the SOR Repair screen or the Bespoke Repair screen dependent on the selected repair type. This will allow the selected repair to be edited.


When pressed will allow the selected repair to be deleted.




When pressed will show the Survey Repair screen to allow survey questions for the components repair to be answered. This button is only available if the scheme has a survey group and the setting to allow repair surveys is set.




If the repair is not authorised then when pressed will set the pending status to Accept. This indicates to the reviewer that the repair should be accepted. If pressed again will revert to Pending.




If the repair is not authorised then when pressed will set the pending status to Rejected. This indicates to the reviewer that the repair should be rejected. If pressed again will revert to Pending

Pending Column (P): This column will show the authorisation status of the repair:


No status has been set


The repair is pending authorisation within Planned Works.


The repair has been authorised within Planned Works.



The surveyor is a contract manager and has recommended the pending repair be accepted when reviewed within Planned Works.




The surveyor is a contract manager and has recommended the pending repair be rejected when reviewed within Planned Works.

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