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Set Survey Design Status



The survey design is complete and may be used when associated with an asset type.

A draft survey design can only become active when the design is complete which needs at least one item of data in each of the survey types design screens.



The survey design is being designed and has no data.

An active or inactive survey design can only be changed to draft if it has no data associated with it.



The survey design is complete but has been marked as not in use (inactive). Users cannot start new surveys for inactive survey designs. Data can be imported to inactive survey designs, so data being collected will not be lost.



The survey design is complete and may be used when associated with an asset type.

The survey design is being tested to ensure it can capture all the survey data required. This mode allows a survey design to undergo a testing cycle as described:

1. Design the survey

2. Set the survey design status to Test Mode

3. Assign to asset types

4. Make a test batch with an asset for each asset type in the survey

5. Download onto the mobile device

6. Check the survey functions as expected and allows full data capture for the survey

7. Delete the surveys on the mobile device (delete database)

8. If required amend the survey designs and repeat steps 5 to 8

9. Once all the survey designs are tested set the status to Active

Once the survey design is set to Active no further changes are allowed.

Note: When a survey design has a status of Test mode the surveys cannot be uploaded from the mobile device. This is to ensure only fully completed survey data is uploaded and available for validation.

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