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Add Survey Design Details

The add survey design screen allows a new survey design to be started.


Survey Type: Must be selected and determines the type of survey to be designed. It should be noted that some survey types supported by Asprey Mobile have a fixed design (Asbestos, HHSRS) and cannot be changed within the designer.

Group: The survey group must be selected and determines which group this design will be for.

Identifier: Used to identify the survey design when importing or exporting data and must be unique

Description: A description of the survey design.

Asset Status: Used to determine the status that is used to update Asprey Assets following processing of a survey in the validation application.

Job Status: Used, if checked, to update the status of a job to Exported when the job is exported to Excel using the validation application. If unchecked the job status remains unchanged.


Saves the new survey design


Cancels the new survey design

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