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Remedial Actions

This report shows lists the action plans with actions required for the selected date range and status.


When selected all properties are included. When not selected only the properties from Select Properties are included.

Select Properties

Allows the properties to include in the report to be selected.


The action plan status to report on.


The surveyor of the assessment to report on. If this is set to All, then any assessments are shown.


The answer category type to report on. If this is set to All, then any assessments are shown.


The action required priority type to report on. If this is set to All, then any assessments are shown.

Assigned To

The person the action required is assigned to. Partial details can be entered, and the person will still be found

(eg. to find a surveyor named John you can enter joh).


The action required by date to report from.


The action required by date to report to.


Starts the report.

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