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The Manage Reports screen shows all the available reports along with a preview of a sample report. The reports can only be accessed if the user has the correct user permissions.

Starts the selected report if the user has the correct permissions.

The reports can have a client logo on the left top corner. This is just a blank icon by default but can be changed per installation (see the installation documentation).


Overdue Assessments

Shows a list the last assessment for each asset where the assessment is overdue by the selected date

Assessment Compliance

Lists the number of assets with overdue assessments

Property Assessment Status

Lists the status of the asset assessments for the date range

Remedial Actions

Lists the action plans with actions required for the date range

Actions Completed

Lists the action plans that have been completed in the date range

Assessment Details

Shows the details of the selected assessment

Assessment Details Assets

Shows the details of the selected assets assessments

Action Plans Compliance

Shows the proportion of completed, required and overdue action plans

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Shows the details of the selected assessment including photos

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