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Configure Asset Types

Asset Types can be configured via the Asset Types screen.

Asset Types are used to inform all areas of Asprey Assets which utilise Asset Types, therefore, if an Asset Type does not appear on this page, it cannot be used by the application.

Asset Types are used on the General Details Tab in the Asset Synopsis screen

You will require the following permissions to access and edit this area.

  • AA_Configuration_Asset_Type_Create

  • AA_Configuration_Asset_Type_Delete

  • AA_Configuration_Asset_Type_Update

  • AA_Configuration_Asset_Type_View

Please speak to your internal administrator to grant the relevant permissions.

Creating an Asset Type

To add a new Asset Type, click the “Add a Row” button located at the top left-hand side of the Asset Type page.

A new row will appear at the top of the Asset Type Grid. Enter the details of the new Asset Type here.

Once the required data has been entered, click the “Save Changes” button to save the new row.

Editing an Asset Type

To edit an existing Asset Type, select the row you wish to edit and then select the field to be edited and overwrite the existing data present. Once all changes are made to the relevant columns, click the “Save Changes” button.

If you wish to undo any unsaved changes, click on the “Discard Changes” button.

Deleting an Asset Type

Deleting an Asset Type will permanently remove it from the database! You won’t be permitted to delete an Asset Type if it has been used by an Asset on the Asset Synopsis screen

To delete an existing Asset Type click the bin icon in the row of the Asset Type you wish to delete from Asprey Assets.

This will then update the screen to show an “undo” arrow in place of the trash can and the save changes/discard changes buttons are illuminated indicating a change has been made on the page. To confirm the deletion, click the “Save Changes” button.


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