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Common Functionality within Asprey Assets

This section shows the common functionality across most sections of Asprey Assets and their intended function.




Magnifying glass used for searching


These buttons are used to indicate a search can be performed.

An X in a round red circle to indicate clearing the search

Clear the search

This button clears the search from the selected area.

A green tick with the word apply

Apply selected criteria

This button will apply the selected criteria to the current page.

a circle with an arrow with the word clear

Clear current selection

This button will clear all the current selection criteria

A green tick with the word save

Save current screen

This button will save the current page and commit and changes to the database.

a red X with the word cancel

Cancel current changes

This button will cancel any changes made to the current page.

a green plus icon with the word create

Create a new entity

This button is used to create a new entity in the application, for example a job, scenario, Classification

two arrows forming a circle with the word refresh

refresh the current list

This button refreshes the current list.

a green plus icon with the words add a row

Add a row

Add a new row to the existing grid on the page.

a green tick with the words save changes

Save changes

Save the changes made to the current page.

a red cross with the words discard changes

Discard changes

Discard the changes made to the current page.

the number 10, 25, 50 and 100 with 10 highlighted in an orange circle

Number of results shown

This button is located at the bottom left of a grid and allows the user to change the number of results shown in the grid, highlighted in an orange circle.

Page numbers with the selected page highlighted in an orange circle

Page numbers

This button, located at the bottom right of a grid allows the user to select a different page number for the grid. The highlighted number in the orange circle is the selected page.

the letter I inside a circle


This button is a help icon and shares information about the page or section to assist the user.

An up arrow with the word upload


This button allows the user to upload files.

Printer Icon

Print Data

This button allows the user to print the data in the current screen. The options are to print all the data in the current grid or to only print the selected rows.

Hand holding an envelope

Export data into import template

This button allows the user to export the data in the current screen. The options are to export all the data, export the selected rows or to import additional data by using the import template.

a web browser screen with code snippet


This button allows the user to specify the layout of the columns in the grid. The options are to select the columns, save the current layout and to reset the layout to the default configuration.

Export data

This button allows the user to export the data in the current format. The options are to export all the data or to export the selected rows.


This button allows a user to filter data on any grid in Asprey Assets.
When clicked a context menu will appear, allowing the user to choose distinct values from the data contained in the column.

Date Picker

This button opens up a date or year calendar style picker allowing the user to choose a well formatted date/year without the need to type in a date.


This button allows the user to edit


When a magnifying glass is placed within a row of a grid it means that a user can navigate / drilldown into another screen.

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