The Survey Answer popup is shown when viewing or answering a Asset Safety survey question on the Asset Safety Survey tab. The question and the question’s category type are shown for the surveyor to answer.
Answer: This is the answer to the survey question.
Detail: This will be either text, a date, numeric or a list value dependent on the question type.
:UseButton: Closes the Survey Answer screen
:UseButton: Only displayed when the survey answer is edited. Saves any changes to the survey answer. After saving will automatically move to the next question.
:CancelButton: Only displayed when the survey answer is edited. Cancels any changes to the survey answer.
:PreviousQuestionIcon: Shows the previous question from the Asset Safety Survey tab for viewing or answering
:NextQuestionIcon: Shows the next question from the Asset Safety Survey tab for viewing or answering
Action Plans: Shows the Manage Survey Action Plans tab. The amount of action plans that exist for this question is shown in brackets
Photos: Shows the Manage Survey Photos tab. The amount of photos that exist for this question is shown in brackets