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My Services

My Services Tile:

Pressing the tile will show the My Services screen.


My Services Screen:

The My Services screen shows all the surveyor’s downloaded services.


If the Auto Download Services setting is enabled any new services for the next day will be downloaded when the screen starts. This can be changed using the drop down at the top of the screen from Tomorrow, to One Week or One Month.

Any services with that have been surveyed have their icon set to green. On going back from the My Services screen to the main screen if the Auto Upload Survey Data setting is enabled any survey data will be uploaded to the server. If this setting is disabled the data can be uploaded from the Upload screen.


Returns to the previous screen.


Shows information on the selected service.


Will clear all the services data. This is only allowed when no pending changes are available for uploading.


Will download all available services for the user. This is only allowed when no pending changes are available for uploading.


Shows the Filter Services popup to allow the services to be searched.


Shows the Survey Service screen for the selected service.

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