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Uploaded Jobs

The Uploaded Survey Jobs screen shows all the uploaded survey jobs. The jobs can be selected, and the survey data viewed or amended. Once a job is completed it can be set as Validated. Incorrect jobs can also have their status set as deleted if required.


Note: The user can only see uploaded jobs for survey types they have permissions for.


Shows the first selected job’s survey data. The survey job data type determines which screen is used to view the data.

  • Asbestos: Asbestos - Uploaded Assessments

  • Asset Safety: Asset Safety - Uploaded Assessments

  • Fire Risk: Fire Risk - Uploaded Assessments

  • Legionella:

  • Stock Condition: Stock Condition Survey – Uploaded Survey Answers Legionella - Uploaded Assessments

  • HHSRS: HHSRS – View Uploaded Hazards

  • Survey List: Survey List – View Uploaded Survey Answers


Shows the Manage Asset Photos screen for the first of any selected jobs.


Marks each selected survey job status as Validated.


Marks each selected survey job status as Deleted

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