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Allows the assets to be grouped in the Explorer Tree, based on asset area or Asprey Mobile Manager score. The explorer can be docked to the left side, or expanded for use using the button below in the left side bar


Determines what module the information being explored for.


All assets are explored and shown in the Explore Tree.


Starts the Search Assets screen so assets can be selected to explore


Starts the Asset Survey Jobs Details screen when the output is set for the Job Manager module. This works the same as the Survey Jobs Progress screen but is specific to the selected asset.

Starts the Uploaded Survey Jobs For Asset screen when the output is set for the Validation module. This works the same as the Uploaded Survey Jobs screen but is specific to the selected asset.


Refreshes the assets data using the previously selected criteria


Configure the tree and asset results columns


Copies the selected assets to the clipboard. These can then be pasted into the Job Manager - Manage Survey Jobs screen.

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