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Common Functionality

This section shows the common functionality across most sections of Asprey Mobile Manager and their intended function.





Grid Exporting

The Export drop down on the grid allows the grid to be exported


Grid Layout

The Options drop down on the grid allows the grid layout to be saved for the current user. Each time the grid is used the saved layout will be in use for that user.


Saves the grid layout for the user


Loads a grid layout for the current user. This is not normally required and will occur automatically


Removes the saved layout and the next time the grid is used it will use the default layout.


Refresh the grid data


Grid Searching

When a grid allows the data to be searched this is via the search box above each column. Enter the text to search for and press Enter for the grid column to be searched. The cross can then be used to remove the search.


Grid Rows

The number of rows shown on each grid page is shown in the bottom right corner and can be adjusted as required.


Grid Paging

When a lot of data is available the grid will show the number of pages for the data in the bottom left corner. The page number required can be typed directly or the buttons used to navigate to the page.


Date Selection

When selecting a date clicking on the top month or years will allow months / years to be selected as required.

After the year and month has been selected clicking the date returns to the main date screen.


Colour Selection

When selecting a colour clicking on the colour button will show the colour selector.

Note that the colour selector is browser specific and the one shown here is from Google Chrome.

Other Common Functionality

Grid Sorting:

Clicking on a column header will sort the data ascending or descending format.

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