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The Servicing Tab allows users access to the Servicing programmes within Asprey Contract Manager.


There are further selection options once a programme has been selected.




The calendar shows all planned services with filters.


The Dashboard shows users a summary of overdue services within the system as well as stock numbers per status per service


The Services by Type section allows users to drill into any service, and view data at each level. Users can also attach files and edit a service either in bulk or individually from this section.


The Service Centre allows users to select a service programme to view or create a new service programme.


The Summary tab shows the current headline information for a programme.


The Progress option shows the progress milestones for a programme and allows users to monitor the certain stages of a programme and whether or not the programme is running on time.


This section shows the services that form part of the currently selected programme of works.


The Assets section allows users to view all assets in a service type and lets you add or remove new assets for that service type.


The Service by Asset section allows users to view all assets linked to a service type. It is possible to view all assets or only show assets where a current service is present via a checkbox (Only show assets with services).


Edit costs associated with repairs, variances and surveys.


Authorise Asset Component Status, Asset Component Repair Status, Assets and Valuations.


The Component Costs section shows the Planned Forecast, Work in Progress, Completions, Refused/No Access, Not Required, Outturn Estimate, Valuations and Variances for a selected programme.


The Variances section shows all costs and variances within the selected programme of works.


The Valuations section allows users to add valuations to a programme. Users can only add completed works to the valuation.


Non-Works Costs are costs that do not form part of a SOR against an asset or component, nor do they form part of a valuation.


The Contingency section allows users to add a contingency against a component or repair.

For further details, see the Servicing Tab section of this manual

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