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Get My Schemes

The Get My Schemes screen shows all the schemes that are available for the surveyor to download. This is based on the area and contractor the surveyor has access to.


Note: To select or de-select a scheme for downloading press on the row. The Select checkbox will change to indicate if the scheme is selected for downloading.


Returns to the main screen.


When at least one scheme is selected pressing the Get Scheme Data button will start the downloading of the selected schemes data. Once the data has been downloaded an information popup is shown to conform this.


When pressed will attempt to get the list of available schemes for the surveyor. Once the scheme list has been displayed the required schemes can be selected for downloading.

Internet Available:

If the internet is not available, it will not be possible to download schemes. The internet available indicator will show the current status of the internet connection. If there is no internet when the Get My Schemes screen is first started no schemes are shown.

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