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Asset Safety Survey - Survey Summary

When leaving the Assessments screen a summary of answered questions is displayed.


Other Jobs: Shows if any other survey jobs exist for the same property that have a status of either new or started. This allows the surveyor to see they have more work to do at the property before they leave.

Assessments: This shows the amount of safety assessments the asset has and they can be selected from the drop down button to show each ones summary information

Asset Photos: This shows the amount of asset photos the assessments have.

Plans: This shows the amount of action plans the assessments have.

Photos: This shows the amount of photos the assessments have.

Files: This shows the amount of files the assessments have.

Info / Survey / Comp: Shows the selected types answer information.


Continues the survey.


Exists the List and returns to the My Jobs screen. The survey will be marked as Started.


Exists the List and returns to the My Jobs screen. The survey will be marked as Completed and will be ready to upload. It is not required to have answered all the questions for the survey to be completed.

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