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Main Screen Layout

The main screen of Asprey Asbestos uses a main toolbar bar to access the functionality. The main area of the screen will display the screens that show the asbestos data. Docked to the left of the screen is the explorer to allow assets to be grouped for easy access.

Common Functionality

Describes the common functionality

Search Assets

Search to find the asbestos data for an asset.


Manage past saved searches


Clone a selected assets assessments data.


View reports on the asbestos data.


Manage the asbestos samples.


View the overdue assessments.

Remedial Actions

View the remedial actions list.

Import/ Export

Import asbestos surveys from Excel. Export the Excel template.

Screen Log

View who has accessed asbestos sample data both via the data screens and reports.

User Settings

Manage the user settings

Error Log

View any internal errors from the system


View this manual.


Open a new browser window for the Asprey helpdesk.


Show the about screen.

Explore Asset

Explore the selected assets.

Explore Asbestos

Explore the selected assets asbestos information.

Explore Rooms

Explore the selected rooms asbestos information.

Asbestos Survey

The asbestos survey functionality.

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